Gerald Malcolm Durrell: Fillets of Plaice

Fillets of Plaice

Author: Gerald Malcolm Durrell
Number of Pages: 216 pages
Published Date: 01 Jun 2008
Publisher: David R Godine Pub
Publication Country: Boston, MA, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781567923544
Download Link: Click Here

If you enjoyed The Durrells in Corfu, the hit show on PBS Masterpiece Theater, and you want more Durrell family adventures on Corfu and at home, follow up the trilogy with Fillets of Plaice. Durrell’s hilarious and warm My Family and Other Animals began a trio of reminiscences of his life growing up with a slightly dotty family – the overbearing and omniscient Larry; the affectionate and loving siblings, Margot and Leslie; and, of course, the overburdened and patient Mother – on the island of Corfu in the 1930s, when a pound could buy a villa and life was conducted as a series of riotously high (and sometimes low) adventures. But what shines through these five vignettes is the author’s engagement with and immense affection for animals in all their forms. From fish to fowl, from lizards to little water fleas (daphnia), Durrell’s eye is acute and his prose is tart. You can read this book for the humor alone (for he did perceive his family as some rare and rarefied species), but between the lines you can discern the makings of a world-class naturalist and a cultivated and engaging writer.